The International Edible Book Festival is an annual event that takes place around April 1 throughout the world that unites book-lovers, art-lovers and food-lovers to celebrate the ingestion of culture and its fulfilling nourishment. It is in honour of the birthday of the French gastronome Brillat-Savin (1755-1826).
An edible book is edible art that is inspired by a book. It can look like a book, be a pun on a title of a book, refer to a character in the book, or it can be a book created by you - however, whatever the inspiration, it must be made from 100% edible ingredients!
The Hong Kong 2009 Festival was held on 21 March at the Rotunda, Exchange Square, Central.

Princess and the Pea, The Adventures of Pinocchio

Er...."Lord of the Rings" was a bit wishy washy but nevertheless straight to the point! Ha ha. The Colour Purple 太 sharp 太刺眼...

從不長大的小飛俠,The BFG by Roald Dahl

Bringing Down the Moon, Round the World in 80 days

Lord of the Flies, Three Little Pigs

Charlotte's Web

我的早午餐,$15 hot dog from The Big Dog。我覺得「永樂園」的孖腸更美味更抵食...放心,那只蚊子沒沾污我的熱狗!