Saturday, February 6, 2010





還有德國啤酒,$23 一瓶。杯子是冰鎮的,感動!

燒豬頸肉 $55,燒的略乾,不過切的薄入口也不會覺韌,蘸了泰式酸辣汁也很香口。

燒鱔 $80,燒汁帶甜味,鱔很肥美質感爽彈,不俗。

安格斯肉眼排 $138。肉味濃郁,質感鬆軟,肉汁豐富又帶油脂的甘香,唯一不滿是脂肪略多。

點牛排時服務生有問我們要幾多成熟,上檯時又拿了黑椒瓶來問要不要磨點黑椒,以熟食中心小店來說很難得。服務生都很有禮貌和效率,5% 的服務費也令人給的樂意。

露筍煙肉釀雞翅膀 $60,煙肉燒的過燶,不過雞肉倒很嫩滑,雞皮已帶點甜味,不蘸那蜜糖汁也很夠味道。店子在熟食中心盡頭,用很多高身盆栽作圍牆自成一角,沒有「東寶」主店那麼擠和嘈雜,但也可在這店點「東寶」的名菜炸豬手、風沙雞。可是,在熟食中心有不少人不守法吸煙!

地址 : 北角渣華道99號渣華道市政大廈渣華道熟食中心2樓 CF1-2
電話 : 2893 9393

1 comment:

  1. just sit in non-smoking zone! so many complains! this is hawker center not your high class french restaurent!
    版主回覆:(02/06/2010 12:01:45 PM)
    Hi smoker,
    Indoor areas of public markets and hawker bazaars under the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD) have been designated as no smoking areas and authorised public officers of FEHD, in addition to officers of the Tobacco Control Office, are empowered to issue Fixed Penalty Notices to smoking offenders under the Fixed Penalty (Smoking Offences) Ordinance which took effect on September 1 2009.
    There is no excuse for not abiding by this legislation in an indoor cooked food center.
